Energy Club WA Online Portal FAQs
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software.
Here you can connect with other members, register for upcoming events and access your personal member portal. We hope that you find your new portal user friendly. If you do require assistance, please contact the office.
Wild Apricot also offers a free app for members. To download the Wild Apricot for Member's app please visit either the Google Play Store (for Android) or the App Store for (iOS).
Learn more about how to navigate the portal using the tabs below.
Logging In
You will need to log into your Wild Apricot account if you wish to access member-only pages or to perform self-service functions such as changing your email preferences, booking an event or paying an invoice.
To log in and set up your member profile, please use your primary email address associated with your account. A member number is no longer required.
If you are unsure which email addresses are associated with your account, check your email inbox for the welcome email, or contact Lauren McCarthy, ECWA's Member Engagement Coordinator to assist you.
If you are unsure of your password to your account, click the ‘forgot password link’. Please note we do not keep a record of our member’s login credentials; a new password will need to be created.
Once logged in, you can change your password by selecting the ‘change password link’ which is located below your name at the top right corner of the welcome portal page. You will need to click on your name to see additional options.
Edit Your Profile
You can update your personal information and control what information is visible to other members on the directory. Your settings have been set so that they are currently not visible to anyone else. If you would like other members to be able to contact and view your profile, please edit your privacy settings and confirm which details you would like to share.
How to edit your profile settings:
Once logging in, you will be directed to your page with all your personal information, which has been entered from the details supplied in your application form. Please ensure this information is correct, and feel free to add an image for your profile. If you cannot see your personal information, click on your name in the top right corner of the page and select 'view profile'.
Click the Edit Profile button. You can now edit your details, switching between the tabs to access your profile, privacy and email settings, updating as required. If the 'show profile to others' box is unchecked (see image 3), you won’t appear on the member directory at all.
Once you have finished updating your settings, click the Save button located at the top of the page.
You can preview the details that will show publicly by clicking the 'my directory profile' link found next to the edit profile button.
Please ensure your profile details are always kept up to date. We also ask that you provide both a work email and a personal email address. (There is also an option for a PA or accounts below these.)
Member Directory
Member Directory Search
The member directory page can be found by hovering your mouse over the Member button of the main menu, a drop-down while appear.
The directory offers members a way to interact with one another directly.
Use the search bar provided at the top of the list to find specific members. Click on their name to view their profile in more detail, and reach out to them directly (see image 2).
Note: the details provided in each members profile are subject to individual members privacy settings.
Members who have set their profiles to private, or not updated their privacy settings will not appear regardless
of your settings.
You can update your settings and modify the information displayed at any time.
Members Only Access: Benefits and Partenrs
In order to access any of the benefits of being an Energy Club WA Member, you will need to log in to the portal
The benefits and partners page can be found by hovering your mouse over the 'Member' tab of the main menu, a drop-down will appear.
Members can check the online benefits page within the portal to stay up to date with the various member partner offers available, as well as view past and current virtual event recordings.
To claim, or if you need to present a business with ‘proof of membership’, log in to the portal via the web or use the wild apricot members app to show them the voucher/offer listed on the benefits page.
Booking Events
Please note to register at the member rate, you will need to be logged in to your member account.
Registering for Events
To register for an event, click the 'Register' button. After clicking the register button, follow the
below steps to complete your registration:
1. If you are not already logged in, enter your email address, you will be prompted to log in as your details are already in the database. If you are already logged in, your email will already be filled in.
2. If there are multiple registration types, you will be asked to select a registration type. In order to access the member rates, you will need to be logged in with your member details (e.g. email and password).
3. Once you select a registration type and click Next, the main registration form appears. If you have any dietary requirements, please note them here.
4. Register any guests.*Depending on the details required this can be entered as a simple entering the number of attendees, or you may be required to fill out full details for each guest.
5. Click Next. Once you are finished with registrations a payment method will display, you can opt to Pay Online via credit card, or request an invoice to be sent through, and a registration summary will display.*From the summary, you can still choose to pay an outstanding invoice online.
Managing Invoices and Payments
Viewing Invoices and making payments
If you have any unpaid invoices, a message will appear after you log in at the bottom right corner.
To view or pay the outstanding invoice, click the notification link. You will be taken to the 'invoices and payment tab' on your member profile, where you can view and pay your invoices, you can also search past payments. You can also access this screen by displaying your member profile then click the 'invoices and payments' link.
Invoices with open balances (unpaid or partially paid) will be shown at the top of the screen. To pay one or more outstanding invoices, click the checkbox beside the invoice(s) you want to pay, then click the Pay online button. If you have credits on your account, they will appear as payments that you can also select to apply against your outstanding invoices.
Once you click the 'Pay Online' button, you will be taken to an online payment screen where you can enter your credit card details.
You may also receive invoices via email. If you click the 'view invoice online' link within the emailed invoice, you can view and pay the invoice without logging in.
Paying once for multiple transactions:
If you're registering for multiple events, or have recently joined as a member and are registering for an event at the same time, you can make a single payment for the multiple transactions. To avoid paying separately for each transaction, follow these steps:
1. For each transaction except the final one, click the Invoice me button rather than the Pay online button.
2. For the final transaction, click the Pay online button and all your transactions will be combined into a single payment.
Renewing Your Membership
As per our Constitution, all renewals are due 30 June of each year to maintain your membership for the following financial year. Failure to pay on time will result in a lapsed membership.
There are two ways you can renew your membership:
1. A membership renewal notice will be automatically emailed to you a certain number of days before your membership renewal is due. Within the renewal notice, you can click the link to log into your Wild Apricot account.
Additionally, within the invoice, you can click the ‘View Invoice Online’ link to view and pay the invoice online without logging in. By clicking the view online link, you'll be directed to our payment site, Stripe.
2. You can also renew your membership from your member profile. Once logged in, click the link to view your member profile, and click the ‘Renew to’ button, ensure the details are correct and click next, here you can process payment online and renew your subscription.
Downloading PDF Invoives
We are pleased to announce that as of October 2024, Wild Apricot has provide a software update so members are now able to download PDF copies of invoices through your member's profile. You can view more detail from Wild Apricot support page here.
- Log in to your account and click on your name in the top right corner. A 'view profile' dropdown option should come up, click on view profile, this will open all your account profile details.
- Then if you click on your 'invoices and payments' tab, then select the invoice you want from the list and when it opens it should display as below with the option to download PDF (see example as highlighted in image).
Still have some questions? Let us know below